Global colleagues and friends who care about and support Shenmo Education’s development:
Greetings to you all!
A year is over, and we are about to open a new chapter. On the arrival of 2023 New Year’s Day, on behalf of Shenmo headquarters, I’d like to extend our deep gratitude and sincere New Year wishes to you and your family!
As China has lifted control of the epidemic, we are now welcoming a new spring in the cold wind. We are witnessing and participating in the profound changes unseen in a century and the worst epidemic of the century. Now, it is not just the year 2022 that we should take stock of and look back on. Looking back on the past three years, we have collected many touching experiences and unforgettable moments.
Over the past three years, we have faced difficulties head-on and worked together to overcome them. In the face of the repeated epidemic and unprecedented challenges, Shenmo people have adhered to the bottom-line thinking, the original intention of educating students, the national policy of harmony, and standardized school operation in the past three years. In Shenmo, the school and parents are honest with each other, and the principals and teachers share the ups and downs. Looking back on the past three years, only those who have been through those things know how hard they were. However, even in the most challenging moments, all Shenmo people believe they are a family. Their progress in mutual stimulation is as solid and steady as ever.
Over the past three years, we have been bold in innovation and made steady progress in an attitude down-to-earth. All Shenmo course R&D institutes completed the professional upgrading of courses during the epidemic. Thousands of online and offline meetings have provided continuous guidance and diversified training for school directors and teachers at all levels. Shenmo teachers at home and abroad focus on and fulfill their duties in immersion learning. In the past three years, all functional departments of the headquarters have continuously renewed their work forms and made efforts to provide more professional and systematic services for Shenmo schools worldwide. For Shenmo people, the epidemic is a test, and each difficulty is a springboard. The way to breakthrough and surpass always appears in the face of challenges.
Over the past three years, we have jointly created and shared a new ecology of Shenmo Education’s internal management. School committees at all levels and first-level schools together took the lead, the district alliances vigorously linked together, and all kinds of societies presented exciting activities... Under the joint efforts of the Shenmo people, we have formed a strong and cohesive internal management network. In the past three years, we had more and more responsible and dedicated excellent Shenmo principals and emerging new elites and models. With highly transparent information, in-depth experience sharing, comprehensive development linkage, and mutual help, Shenmo Education thrives. Its long-term growth cannot be separated from the efforts of Shenmo staff.
Over the past three years, we have positioned ourselves and made our strategic direction clear in the 3.0 era. From the bottom-line thinking during the outbreak of the epidemic to the comprehensive establishment of the strategy of “high-quality dual development,” Shenmo 3.0 resonates with the pulse of the times. Our strategic positioning is advancing with the times and in line with the century-old Shenmo development vision. In the past three years, “standardization, upgrading, quality” has always been our positioning core and development line. The sobriety and firmness in carrying out strategy make us better at staying true to the original intention and embracing the future. During this period, Shenmo’s quality adherence and diligent service have been affirmed by all community sectors. We want to thank every parent for their recognition and support of Shenmo Education in the past three years. Shenmo people will avoid seeking quick success and instant benefit and always be altruistic.
Over the past three years, we have focused on self-growth and settling ourselves inward. During the epidemic, everyone has a deeper understanding of the impermanence and success of life. The “Three-Part Harmony” course enables us to better move towards mental awareness and open up deeper inner exploration. For Shenmo people, achieving internal and external equilibrium, reaching the unity of knowledge and practice, perfecting self-education, and living up to both egoism and altruism are not only the state of real career success but also where our natural pursuit of life lies. Looking back at the past three years, no matter the principals or the teachers, we are all breaking the cocoon into butterflies by ourselves. We should congratulate ourselves on the valuable inner growth and self-breakthrough.
Over the past three years, we have created opportunities out of the crisis, and Shenmo’s brand power and international influence have been further demonstrated. Looking across the country, Shenmo Schools have won higher recognition from parents and society with standardized and high-quality services in the face of the epidemic and challenges. Many Shenmo schools are bucking the trend to step into a new stage of development. Shenmo Education’s international growth has achieved a breakthrough. Under the guidance of the Belt and Road initiative and other policies, we have carried out in-depth cooperation with relevant state departments and state-owned enterprises. Shenmo Education is operating schools in more and more oversea countries. We are speeding up our efforts to achieve the glorious vision of abacus math shining over the five continents. At the same time, centering on Zhengmo, Qingmo and Hemo, the collectivization development of Shenmo has also started a new journey in the 3.0 era.
There are not enough words to describe our great three years. As our sages have said, “good fortune follows upon disaster,” which means fortune and misfortune are continuously transforming each other, and there are always opportunities and infinite possibilities in danger and difficulties. The past three years for Shenmo people have been a test, a process of precipitation, a challenge, a period of accumulating power, a growth, a breakthrough...After all this, we are undoubtedly more confident and calm. We are settling more firmly into the present, embracing change, moving with the times and regulating development.
Saying goodbye to the three-year epidemic and embracing a new future, we are more confident in the national dream and our educational ideals. We firmly believe that, as national rejuvenation and the development of the times are surging forward, education and human development are a long-term task and an eternal need. After 24 years of development of “startup - development - standardization - guidance - leading - self-consciousness,” we are well prepared to map the development of Shenmo and its new 12 years of the 3.0 era. In the next three years, Shenmo 3.0 “high-quality dual development” strategy will be deeply promoted, Shenmo’s co-creation and sharing management system will fully boost the joint development, Shenmo’s internationalization and branding will usher in a new milestone, and Shenmo people will continue to work together to the success of life and balanced development of our career, family and self-growth. As the saying goes, although the road is far, we’ll reach the goal as long as we keep going ahead; though the task is difficult, we will finish it as long as we put our hands to do.
The year 2023 marks the 25th anniversary of Shenmo Education’s founding and the first year of the post-epidemic era when Shenmo people strive for a new start. In the past 24 years, Shenmo people have walked together in the rain, hand in hand, heart in heart, like one family. We dare fight the sea storm with even a piece of wood. We are now standing at the turning of the year, watching the waves of history surging ahead and being ready to compete with other boats. The new year will be a year of new positioning and development for us. The new year will be a year to keep an eye on our goals and yield good results. In the New Year, we will cross the same boat together, conquer the wind and waves, and sail forward diligently. We will work together to create new brilliance!
Happy New Year! Good health and good luck to you all!
Li Mianjun in Beijing, China
January 1, 2023
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